Sunday, January 25, 2009

Atlantean Spirit

I just finished photographing Eric from Atlantean Spirit. He called needing headshots for some upcoming promotional work. What a kind and inviting smile he has and was a pleasure to shoot. He offers therapeutic massage and energy work for those who need pampering. He may be reached at 203. 375. 1815

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Hi Friends,
Well 2009 has begun! I'm currently looking for a studio to be able to offer more photography options to you all. Stay tuned...

Just a reminder if you wish to contact me through my website, on the contact page you need to "fill in" the requested info in order for me to reach you. I've had several inquiries lately with blank spaces and it saddens me that I can't respond! So make sure you take a few minutes to fill out the form and then "submit" and I'll get back to you shortly.


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